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The end of the year is a significant time in our calendar. Maybe it is because Christmas falls around the high energy of the solstice. Christmas is a time for gratitude and appreciation of what we have already plus, its a time of planning for the new possubilities that the future will deliver. In in8model® words, this is a time to look back to the past year (Quadrant 2/4) and to look forward to the New Year (Quadrant 1/3).

The run up to Christmas and New Year for most of us is a frantic period of tying up loose ends and stressing out that all is in order for the festive season. Once all the ‘stuff’ is organised for the festive season it’s an opportunity to reflect back upon 2015.

Reflect on your achievements, the accomplishments, the joys, the challenges, the frustrations, the ‘would haves’, the ‘should haves’ and the ‘shouldn’t haves’. What changes would you make, what different actions would you have taken, which opportunities did you not take advantage of, who didn’t you honour?

It’s a time to acknowledge those who have made an impact on your life through the preceding 12 months. A time to give, in thought, word and kind, to those people you appreciate. It’s a time that we give those little acknowledgments to those in our life who mean so much to us. It is also a time to openly and gladly receive from those who chose to give to and acknowledge us.

In 2016 what possibilities are you going to explore?

What can you learn from the year gone by?

Will you repeat the same actions and yet expect a different result?

Will it be just another year with the same old stuff, or a new and exciting adventure?

How can you up the anti?

What new challenges can you take on board?