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During his lifetime Nelson Mandela inspired us with his numerous words, acts and deeds of wisdom. They will be etched in the annals of history. Mandela’s wise words have implication to most situations of life and it may be useful to take the time to extrapolate them into your life.

He is quoted as saying, “To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others”.

With the knowledge that we have in the in8model® comes a responsibility to exercise this freedom of neuroplasticity and empower others by freeing them up to be their best.

There is much suppression of people’s freedom to access their inner greatness.

People are driven into fear and guilt by the ruling systems of parenting, education, medicine, politics and media. Many people live lives of stress and distrust of themselves and others.

Misinformation about the innate wisdom that resides within abounds and people live lives that are much smaller than their birth right would desire.

The responsibility of those who know better, especially those who know the in8model® is to ‘cast off the chains’ and shackles that bind people’s minds.

Lovingly challenging the faulty thought processes and aberrant behaviours of each person who you encounter will expose the illogical nature of the ‘group-think’.

Freeing people to create their own magnificent journey of life free from the fear-based dictates of those who would desire to limit them must be one of the highest purposes of mankind.

Just as Nelson Mandela inspired us with his wisdom so to can you exercise your freedom to inspire and empower others to do more with their life than they ever though possible.