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Mark Postles

Mark is a professional speaker, business coach, professional development expert, chiropractor and author, his goal is to touch the hearts and inspire as many people’s lives as he can with his vision of hope for humanity.

Quadrant 4Your World

Lessons in Leadership

I have had the pleasure of exploring South Africa over the past few weeks and I wanted to express some of my observations and related opinions of this colourful and contrasting land and people. I visited Soweto today and immersed myself in the journey of this young country and its numerous ‘growing pains’ over the last 150 years. There have been many justifiably aggrieved parties, most of all the blacks and coloureds. There have been numerous atrocities committed against all…
Mark Postles
November 10, 2015
Quadrant 4Your Life

Being Grateful for All

Here is another episode of the conversation that began a number of weeks ago regarding the transformational leaps that you can make when you enrol the four essential life principles within the in8model®. These principles help to align your perspective and inspire profound transformation. It doesn’t take swinging from a trapeze or jumping off a cliff to make transformational leaps in your life. You have opportunities to do every second of the day – everyday. When you immerse yourself in…
Mark Postles
October 6, 2015
Quadrant 3Your Life

Trusting the Benevolent Intent of People

As we spoke about last week, it doesn't take swinging from a trapeze or jumping off a cliff to make transformational leaps in your life. You have opportunities to do every second of the day – every day. I suggest that there are four essential life principles within the in8model® which help to align your perspective and inspire profound transformation. This week I wanted to visit the importance of trusting the benevolent intent of people. There are plenty of reasons…
Mark Postles
September 29, 2015
Quadrant 2Your Life

Trusting That There is Always More to Know

As we have discussed it doesn’t take swinging from a trapeze or jumping off a cliff to make transformational leaps in your life. I suggest that there are four essential life principles within the in8model® which help to align your perspective and inspire profound transformation every second of the day – every day. Another of the four essential principles is in having your Quadrant 2 firing well. When this part of your brain is ‘on song’ you will have an…
Mark Postles
September 22, 2015
Quadrant 4Your World

Change your Brain and Transform your Life – Part 2

Consider the process of transformation that is evident with the emergence of a beautiful butterfly coming out of a syrupy chrysalis. This is the transformative process that began as a little caterpillar. Each step of this transformation in nature requires a leap of faith and total commitment as the old gives way to the new and exits in a totally new form. So it is in your life, relationships and world. You are constantly changing. In a state of growth…
Mark Postles
May 16, 2015
Quadrant 4Your World

Change your Brain and Transform your Life – Part 1

I am constantly blown away by the seemingly instant shifts in people's behaviours and even their life, when they understand how their brain is wired and the effect this makes on the results they are getting. When people know that doing different Quadrant preferences gets something totally different in their life’s outcomes they are empowered beyond belief ... this is the process of transformation and you know what ... it is actually quite easy. With the in8model® you have an…
Mark Postles
April 16, 2015