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Here is another episode of the conversation that began a number of weeks ago regarding the transformational leaps that you can make when you enrol the four essential life principles within the in8model®. These principles help to align your perspective and inspire profound transformation.

It doesn’t take swinging from a trapeze or jumping off a cliff to make transformational leaps in your life. You have opportunities to do every second of the day – everyday.

When you immerse yourself in everyday life there is a tendency to, as they say, not see the forest for the trees. When you lose sight of the magnificence of all that you have and neglect to see and appreciate the bounty that you are privileged to be a part of there is a tendency to focus on what is lacking or what isn’t available rather than what is.

Gratitude is not just a cool little ‘feel good’ thing, it is a powerful principle that is concerned with consciously designing your self-image through an appreciation of the universe’s supportive mirror.

In other words, the universe is a partner in shaping reality’s expression in your life. If you choose to project a transformed image upon the mirror of the universe, reality gradually becomes an internal process of creation that is increasingly free of external controls and conditions.

The principles from the in8model® that we covered recently are truly living from the above – down and from the inside – out.

Just to refresh your memory:
Trust the order in all
There is always more to know
People have benevolent intent
Be grateful for everything

When you apply these principles you will experience a weight of seriousness coming off you. A deeper meaning will be revealed to the seemingly random and even the negative events of your life experience.

You will notice a certain lightness of being and that is a transformational leap.