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As we have discussed it doesn’t take swinging from a trapeze or jumping off a cliff to make transformational leaps in your life.

I suggest that there are four essential life principles within the in8model® which help to align your perspective and inspire profound transformation every second of the day – every day.

Another of the four essential principles is in having your Quadrant 2 firing well. When this part of your brain is ‘on song’ you will have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. You will know that there is always a lot more to know.

There is a human tendency to judge the present and base the future upon the past. Know that what has happened in your past is history and whilst it is useful to draw on it, it does not predetermine your future.

Trust that in the past you did the best you could with what you had and in many cases that was limited. This does not mean that you are limited going forward. Far from it. There is an unlimited field of possibilities and anything is possible.

Our information base keeps growing so there will always be more to know. Despite what convention says, everything hasn’t been invented yet.

Elenor Roosevelt’s statement of “Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people” comes to mind in this context. Keep your head filled with information that stimulates ideas and avoid the mind numbing media that carries its toxic load of events and dysfunctional people.

Seek information in all areas of life, travel, discover, question life and learn as much as you can. The more you exercise your brain the greater its ability to form new synapses.

There is always more to know.