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There is one thing in the physical world that is constant, continuous and countable – That is time.

Time ticks along, never to be repeated regardless of who you are, what you say or what you do, time just keeps on creeping forward.

Things don’t seem to change much from one second to the next and yet profound change happens when we look at longer time periods. Take a year, a decade or a lifetime and you can really see the effects of the passage of time.

It could be said that there is no process that does not require time yet so often we find ourselves making choices and decisions without considering that all events take time.

Your magnificent journey of life is totally of your making. What you make of the time you have is critical to the outcomes that you get from life.

My friend Brogan was charged with taking a toxic, ‘Monsanto-ised’ farm and making it into a productive organic spread of beautiful, luscious food, shade and shelter. Brogan knew that his greatest ally in this exercise was time. A law that we ignore at our peril is the law of the land.

Brogan recognised that he couldn’t change time but he could change what he put into his time – the energy, the attention, the nurturing, the care that he put into the time. As a result of working with time and putting focused energy in we saw the sick and weakened acreage regenerate and rejuvenate into the richness that we enjoy today.

The same applies to you. You can do nothing about the time that has past. You can only improve life in future things. So, the only time that you can affect is the present and the next moment.

With that in mind, I challenge you to go now and get out that diary of yours and commit to taking actions that generate the future that you desire. Don’t let others agendas or short term distractions take you off track. Commit to creating huge value in each moment – remember, the more you put in to the moment the more you will make a future that is what you wish for.

Checkout the Fantastic Future Formula – It’s an absolutely superb system for preparing and focusing your energy for the time ahead and make every moment of your life the time of your life.