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I constantly hear from people that they are seeking balance in their life, their home, business, practice, team etc. Much time and energy is spent trying to bring life into balance and yet all too often this quest is not accomplished.

Maybe our perception of balance has a missing component to it. I suggest that the thing that gives balance its form is time. We could say, in the middle of the night that there is no light and that all we have is dark – however, wait for the required time and you receive light for another period of time. In the middle of a heated disagreement in the office there appears to be no balance. When we look at the short term it appears that nothing is ever in balance and yet when we look at the long term everything is ultimately in balance – The tides, the seasons, the rise and fall of countries, wealth, political cycles etc. all seem to balance out over time.

Likewise, when you consider yourself. You have an orchestra assembled within you just itching to play. The in8model® shows us that you have all parts within – there is nothing missing. You have the creative and expressive, the logical and considered, the compassionate and connected and the driven and directed.

These parts will come out and ‘play’ when directed and you are the one who does the ‘directing’.

There is a time for every part to play out but at any one time when any one part is playing out it could be said that you are out of balance – and so you should be because that is what makes the music. Revel in your state of ‘out of balance’ as that is where you do your best work.

When you need to be totally creative make sure that you ARE totally creative. Get wild and crazy about it – let it rip. When you need to be totally logical BE totally immersed in that state and focus with laser like accuracy at the finest detail.

Your best work in your life will be when you are out of balance – using the far reaches of your inner talent pool to the exclusion of all other parts.

This state, at this time, is where balance is nowhere but as you play the parts in their respective ways in their appropriate time you will see the balance everywhere.