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“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn


How often do you fail to inform another person on the truth as you see it?

How often do you take the easy way out?

How often do you take part in the lie?


The great people of history developed their new levels of thinking by disputing the fundamental principles of the past. Plato, Aristotle, Newton, Franklin, Morse, Marconi, Edison, Morse, Wright Brothers, Ford, and D.D. Palmer to name a few didn’t take the easy way out, they didn’t take part in the lie.


They rejected the limited aspects of the philosophy and science of the day. They were willing to face the rejection of the world to create and produce something better.


You are constantly being faced with the choice of taking the easy way out. The argument is that because the public “knows” a certain thing is “true” then you should just live with that because it would be much easier. Consider any number of violations to truth and logic that you hear every day. Things like: the government is right to, anything that goes wrong in your body has a hereditary factor to, you are your ‘personality’ and on and on. All of these are assumed as true and portrayed by the groupthink as such.


The sadder part of living the lie is that when it’s said long enough and loud enough it becomes the reality of the masses.


The even sadder part than that is that every time you violate your truth it’s like making a withdrawal FROM a bank account of power. On the flip side, though, every time you confront the world and state your truth it has the effect of depositing INTO your bank account of power.


At the end of the day your level of power and therefore your ability to influence change and innovation in your life is in direct proportion to your willingness to ‘tell it like it is’ – without fear or favor, to confront your truth and publicly affirm the real dimension of your life.


Are you courageous?