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Sometimes you come to a ‘tipping point’ in your life where you seek to learn from the past and design a better future.

Mostly people live their life on automatic with one year being a repetition of the past.

They don’t question the premises that they live by and accept things as truth when in fact they may be myths.

Today I want to address some key Myths that people buy in to that stop them moving in the direction of their greatness.

Myth #1: Things just happen to you.

The in8model® suggests that YOU happen TO things. You have volition and YOU are an amazing influencer and creator of circumstances, events and things.

Myth #2: People’s personality is set and won’t change.

The in8model® suggests that you are not set in stone. Your identity can and will change and it has infinite possibilities. The best part is that the drivers of change are within your brain’s circuitry that we have identified as the in8model® Quadrants. This means that your past does not have to determine your future.

Myth #3: We are all separate from each other.

The in8model® observes that you and I are connected with everyone and that we are united by our differences. The divisions and separation that we imagine in humanity is a big fat myth. Every person on this planet is a necessary cell in the body of humanity.

Myth #4: Your rules apply to everyone.

The in8model® stresses that the uniqueness of each individual necessitates that they have their own rules. Each person sees the world through his or her own filters – neither good/bad/right/wrong – the main question is ARE YOUR RULES USEFUL?

You have a very powerful tool between your ears. Your brain has an ability to influence what happens both inside you (your feelings and your function) and also what happens outside of you (people and things).

The question is – are you using the tool correctly to get what you want? Many people are not and they hate what they are getting (distraction, stress, relationship issues, financial lack – you name it), but they still keep using the tool the same old way.

So, if your Quadrant preferences are not producing the results that you want and you want next year to be your best year yet you must learn more about you from an in8model® perspective.

If you want to know more about a new revolutionary way to understand your future and make changes to create a better one, take a look at the Fantastic Future Formula program.